Dubai Tourist Visa

UAE visit visa applies to tourists who wish to spend more than 14 days to visit families, be a tourist and for those who has a business that continues to travel in the country in and out. For individuals that will try to look for a job, same visa applies and you need a sponsor to get the visa. If you don't have a sponsor, no worries, there are two other ways to get a visa.

Visit visa is valid for 30 or 60 days and it is renewable, a corresponding fee applies during renewal process. You must travel within two months from its date of issue, otherwise the visa will be void. In case, you just want to pass by and check Dubai out.There is no visa required if you are in transit for 96 hours, you can check with the airlines issuing your ticket.

Sponsor should be your first degree family – example: Husband, wife,
father, mother, son, daughter, brother and sister.
Cousins, auntie, uncle, nephews and niece will not be considered as a
family sponsor, I know they are also your family but it just don't
work that way.

1. Colored passport that is valid for six months to travel - scanned
2. Passport picture - scanned
Send these two requirements to your sponsor by email.
3 Options in Getting A visa

1. A first degree family member who holds Dubai residence visa and has a salary of more than 4,000 AED can sponsor and apply the visa for you.
2. If you don't have a sponsor, there are travel agencies in Dubai
that provides visit visa assistance processing including air-ticket. You can ask your
family and friends currently working in Dubai, just send the
requirements to them and they can submit all of it to any of the several
travel agencies in the city and the visa ready for you.
3. You can book for 1 or more nights stay at any Dubai hotel that
provides visit visa assistance on your behalf. However, this process
is quite costly than two options mentioned above.

1. If you go with sponsor 1, it is very minimal fee around 500 AED
maximum or less plus airticket.
2. Second option: usually the travel agencies collects
1,800 AED for one month and 2,800 AED for two months plus air ticket.
3. For option 3, simply book your hotel reservation on-line using
your debit or credit card and they will advise you the fee depending
on the classification, you can choose either to stay at a standard,
five star or deluxe hotels...
It is not allowed to work while on visit visa, if the authorities find out, penalties will be imposed worst might lead to deportation.

More info:
It is easy to go around Dubai since English is widely spoken. Arabic, German, spanish,French and Russian are languages spoken too.

The local currency is  dirham, which is pegged to the dollar at Dhs 3.67. You can find sophisticated network of banks, currency exchanges and ATMs, making it easy to access money across the city.

Dubai is tolerant and cosmopolitan and all visitors are welcome. However, Islam is a way of life in the city, and therefore tourists should adopt a certain level of cultural and religious sensitivity for the duration of their stay. While dress codes are fairly liberal, swim wear should only be worn on beaches or at swimming pools, and when visiting shopping malls and other attractions, tourists should wear clothing that is not too tight or revealing.Decency should be observed at all times. Certain attractions, such as mosques or religious sites, usually have stricter dress codes, requiring both men and women to cover up bare shoulders, arms and legs, and women to wear headscarves.
Photography is prohibited in Government buildings and embassies. To avoid conflict avoid taking photographs of locals without their permission. No using bad or foul language.

Enjoy the travel.
